12Radiotherapy dose fractionation Third edition
Bladder cancer
Radical treatment
Conventional fractionation (dose per fraction 1.8–2.0 Gray [Gy])
The radiotherapeutic regimens used in studies comparing radiotherapy and surgery for
bladder cancer have been delivered using either a conventional regimen of 60–64 Gy in
30–32 fractions over 6–6.5 weeks or hypofractionated radiotherapy of 52.5–55 Gy in 20
fractions (Level 2b).
Two published trials compare hyperfractionation with doses of 1–1.2 Gy per fraction to
conventionally fractionated treatment.
Pooled analysis suggests a signicant benet from
hyperfractionation with a 17% (95% condence interval, 6–27%) improvement in the rate
of local control.
However, the regimens in both arms of these studies used split courses
with overall treatment times of eight weeks. This approach would no longer be considered
acceptable in a control arm (Level 1b).
Accelerated fractionation
There was no evidence of clinical benet from 60.8 Gy in 32 fractions given using two
fractions per day of 1.9 Gy over a treatment time of 26 days when compared to a standard
regime of 64 Gy in 32 fractions over 45 days.
The shorter regimen was associated with a
higher rate of intestinal toxicity (Level 1b).
The two UK-based randomised controlled trials published in the last ve years allowed the
use of both conventional (60 Gy in 30 fractions) and hypofractionated radiotherapy (55 Gy
in 20 fractions).
Although neither study was powered to detect a dierence in outcome
based on dose and fractionation, there was no dierence seen between conventional and
hypofractionated radiotherapy (Level 2b).
Partial bladder irradiation
Partial bladder radiotherapy has been studied in two UK-based trials. A trial from
Manchester compared whole bladder radiotherapy 52.5 Gy in 20 fractions with partial
bladder irradiation of 57.5 Gy in 20 fractions and 55 Gy in 16 fractions.
There was no
signicant dierence in local control at ve years between the three groups, and late toxicity
was similar in all three arms. The BC2001 sub-study compared whole bladder high-dose
irradiation with reduced high-dose volume radiation therapy.
There was no dierence in
locoregional recurrence, late toxicity or overall survival between the two groups (Level 1b).
Radical radiotherapy with radiosensitisation
Two UK-based randomised control trials have demonstrated that radical radiotherapy with a
radiosensitiser improves outcomes compared to radiotherapy alone.
BC2001 compared
radical radiotherapy alone with radical radiotherapy given concurrently with mitomycin
C and 5-uorouracil (5-FU), with the chemoradiotherapy arm showing signicantly better
two-year locoregional recurrence rates of 67% versus 54% (Level 1b).
The Bladder
Carbogen Nicotinamide (BCON) investigators compared radical radiotherapy alone to
radical radiotherapy given concurrently with carbogen and nicotinamide with a signicant
improvement in three-year overall survival of 13% in the experimental arm (Level 1b).
Some centres within the UK use a weekly gemcitabine chemoradiation protocol based on a
multicentre phase II study which has shown acceptable toxicity and comparable outcomes
13Radiotherapy dose fractionation Third edition
to those in the literature with a three-year overall survival of 75% and 88% achieving a
complete endoscopic response at rst check cystoscopy (Level 2b).
Treatment technique
The size of the planning target volume (PTV) is critical to any discussion of dose and
Some centres use a two-phase (large pelvic volume/small bladder volume)
approach, although there is no robust evidence for this approach improving survival
outcomes for patients (Level 5).
There is no published evidence using fraction sizes other
than 1.8–2 Gy for this approach. All of the dose-fractionation regimens discussed below are
based on the assumption that the PTV is <1,000 mililitres (ml) and that three-dimensional
(3-D) image-based planning techniques are used. There is also increasing use of adaptive
radiotherapy techniques for bladder treatment using a ‘plan of the day’ based on imaging
prior to delivery of each fraction. The fractionation evidence has not been tested in this
setting, but there is no reason to believe that the recommendations below do not apply to
the adaptive setting also.
For radical radiotherapy to the bladder:
52.5–55 Gy in 20 fractions over 4 weeks
60–64 Gy in 30–32 fractions over 6–6.5 weeks (Grade B)
There is robust evidence that radiotherapy with a radiosensitiser using carbogen and
nicotinamide or chemotherapy improves outcomes for patients with organ-conned
muscle-invasive bladder cancer (Grade A)
The types of evidence and the grading of recommendations used within this review are based on
those proposed by the Oxford Centre for Evidence-based medicine.
Palliative radiotherapy
The Medical Research Council (MRC) randomised trial BA09 clearly established that 21 Gy
in three fractions on alternate weekdays in one week (4–6 elapsed days) is as eective as
35 Gy in ten fractions in two weeks in palliating symptoms in patients with bladder cancer.
There was no statistically signicant dierence in the rate of symptom relief (64% versus
71%; p=0.192; 95% condence interval for the 7% rate dierence, –2% to +13%), nor was
there any signicant dierence in the duration of symptomatic relief (Level 1b).
palliative regimes which are in use in the UK are 20 Gy in ve fractions and 30–36 Gy in 5–6
fractions over 5–6 weeks (Level 2-).
These regimes are also used for frail patients not t for
radical radiotherapy treatment.
In the hypofractionated bladder radiotherapy with or without image-guided adaptive
planning (HYBRID) trial, a dose of 30–36 Gy in 5–6 fractions given weekly has beenused.
For very frail patients, a 6–8 Gy single fraction of pelvic radiotherapy often provides
symptomatic relief (Level 4).
14Radiotherapy dose fractionation Third edition
For the palliation of local symptoms from bladder cancer:
21 Gy in 3 fractions on alternate days in 1 week is the regimen of choice (Grade A)
30–36 Gy in 5-6 fractions weekly has also been used in this setting (Grade D)
A single fraction of 6–8 Gy may provide useful palliation in patients who are unt for the
recommended regimen (Grade D)
The types of evidence and the grading of recommendations used within this review are based on
those proposed by the Oxford Centre for Evidence-based medicine.
15Radiotherapy dose fractionation Third edition
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